
About 2 years ago, I discovered I had Adenomyosis.
And so every month during my period, there would be immense pain.
So much that it affects my breathing. And all painkillers won’t work.

And it wasn’t until last year that I really wanted a baby, because before that I didn’t desire to be a mother at all.

And so last year we started wanting a child, but ironically we just couldn’t get pregnant. So I was really discouraged. Every month that it didn’t happen, I would cry. I told God: “Lord, now that I’m finally mentally prepared, but why couldn’t I just get pregnant!” So I was very sad every month until I finally just given up the thought. Last March, when apostle came, he wanted to pray for the worship band, for those girls especially who wants to get pregnant who couldn’t.
And amongst one of those was I. So he laid hands on us and prayed.

So next month, I caught a cold, and went to our family doctor. That doctor refrained from prescribing medicine for me and I was really frustrated because it was a big effort to get myself to the doctors during my sickness.
So the doctor told me that I had to first go get a checkup at the gynecology to prove that you are indeed not pregnant.
But I said “impossible” so I just went to a random gynecological clinic. And that doctor there congratulated me. My first impression was “congratulations to what?”
Unless it is conceived by the Holy Spirit! Because I thought it’s impossible!
So next week, Tony and I went to a leading expert of gynecology, where the doctor helped us back calculate the time when we conceived the baby. And the timing was exactly the time when apostle laid hands to pray for me.
And moreover, the doctor told me, having seen what was growing in my uterus, he said, “did you know another name for your condition? It’s called Infertility.”
But you have no problem because you are already pregnant. So give all glory to the lord.

Holy Spirit Encounter - Taiwan

Apostle Tamrat traveled to Taiwan to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the beloved Taiwanese and he came back with testimonies of healings, deliverance and miraceles - all the praise to Jesus!


Your email devotion made my week!

Betty subscribed to our mailing list not too long ago. She has been receiving devotions from Apostle Tamrat each week through her email. She just sent us her testimony saying this:

“I was having difficulty to decide on something important but couldn't get any comfort from friends and family. My phone rang with a notification email saying "The Closest Friend". I was touched. I opened it right away read the email from Apostle Tamrat - I was clothed with hugs of The Holy Spirit while I was reading the email. My car got filled with joy and peace. It made me feel so calm. A surprising peace controlled my thoughts through your email. Thank you Holy Spirit!

I Reaped What I Sow

This is Yemisrach Mesfin. She is an active member and a committed partner to our ministry. The previous year as has been declared by Apostle Tamrat was “The Year of Marvelous Light”. It has truly become a year of Marvelous light for Yemisrach and her family. Yemisrach testified that God has blessed her with so many blessings and has truly empowered her to succeed. Her spiritual life and the knowledge and insight she had about Jesus grew deeper. She increased in her fellowship with God and grew in her faith.Not only that, Yemisrach became an owner of a new house and a brand new car and feeds over 50 children every single day. Yemisrach said the reason for all the blessings she has received is the seed that she constantly sow in the kingdom of God. She further clarified that it wasn’t because I had money to give every day but the price I paid consistently to get that money and sow my seed. God has truly given Yemisrach a year of Marvelous Light. Glory to our faithful God.


The Doctors were sure that the child is dead!

This young lady's name is Beza Nega. She came from a town called Tulu Dimtu, a town that is a few miles from Addis Ababa. She has been trying to conceive a child for several years but wasn't able to do so. She had multiple miscarriages and had lost all hope. She came to the fruit of the womb service at CJ last year, as Apostle Tamrat was preaching the word with power, she believed God for her miracle and believed that she will conceive. She stood firm on the word of God that was preached that day.

After 3 months Beza found out that she was pregnant. She was ecstatic about what God had done in her life. Beza's pregnancy however was full of challenges and hardships. She has fell on numerous occasions that could have killed her unborn child.

After few months, Beza went into labor and went to the hospital to deliver her baby. However the doctors informed her that her baby is dead and that they have to take the baby out and spare her life. After surgery Beza was not expecting a child but to her surprise the doctors brought her living baby boy to the room.

Beza is now here with her baby boy Yesakor testifying for the Glory of God. Glory to Jesus!

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Not only a child, but many children

Mestawet had a deadly disease that she has been diagnosed with for years. She had Lupus(SLE) and was also anemic. Due to her sickness, she had to go to Russia to get a better treatment; unfortunately nothing that she was trying was working. Mestawet is married woman who has had multiple miscarriages in the past; she came to CJ church looking for fruit of the womb with full confidence on God. During service Apostle Tamrat prophesied over her life and told her that not only would she have one child but many children. He further prophesied saying that her first child will be a girl. 

After a year, Mestawet is here with her baby girl giving her testimony and glorifying Jesus Christ. She also has a baby boy on the way. Glory be to our Lord Jesus!!

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Once a criminal, now a Jesus freak

This young man’s name is Brook. He came all the way from a town named Bedele which is located over 300km away from Addis Ababa. He came to Christ Jesus Life International church in hopes of helping his cousin get her healing. During our Saturday service mass prayer, the Holy Spirit started moving in the church delivering and healing the people. Brook was one of the people that were delivered from evil spirits that ruined his life. When giving his testimony, Brook said that he was a captive of many addictions. He was an alcoholic, smoker and above all a criminal who has been in jail on numerous occasions. The evil spirit that was inside him made him do all sorts of demonic activities including cutting himself with a blade to prove that he is invincible. After his deliverance, Brook is a changed young man who wants to be filled with the Holy Spirit to minister to his friends and people in his town. He wants to serve the Lord with a mighty power and deliver many people from the stronghold of the enemy.

We thank God for the life of Brook and his mighty deliverance.

Let us hear your testimony!